Friday, 7 February 2014

My Perfect Imperfections TAG

This tag is always one of my favourite to read as I am a big believer in loving yourself as everyone is beautiful. No matter what imperfections or flaws you think you may have, they are
what makes you unique & they are seen as beautiful to many other people. This tag sort of forces you to think of any bad points you see in yourself; but then turn them into something good & positive. Something you should love & embrace! So here are my 3 imperfections and my 3 perfections.
1. My Smile:
I used to hate my smile when I was younger. It's always been so big & sort of takes over my whole face. I can't smile with my mouth closed as I just look very constipated (Sorry!) so it's either no smile or full on teeth & everything smile. However it's the one thing people always comment on first about me, 'my beautiful smile'. Apparently it goes right up to my eyes so as I've got older I've grown to like my huge, crazy smile. Smiling in general boosts my mood & I always make sure to give strangers I see my biggest smile to maybe boost their mood as well haha I get some 'she's insane' looks but mostly I get some lovely big smiles back. So win for my crazy lady smile! :D
2. Wrinkles:
I have the worst smile wrinkles around my eyes it's unreal. This links in with my smile imperfection as when I do smile, it creates all these little wrinkles around my eyes that could rival my nans, seriously! I was so self conscious of them as I am only 20 years old & getting wrinkles this soon surely isn't a good sign?! But if I ever feel conscious about them, I just think well they're there because I smile a lot. I would 100% have my smile wrinkles than a frown line. It just shows I'm obviously an overly happy person!
3. My Wonky Teeth:
All my imperfections seem to link in with my smile & this one is my wonky teeth. This was another reason I avoided smiling when I was younger as I hated my wonky teeth. I had a lot of over crowding with my teeth when I was younger & was forever in & out of the dentist. (Probably why I hate them so much now! The smell :S) They removed 5 teeth over all & the bigger teeth did grow in more straight but the bottom set are still over lapping & slightly wonky. They aren't that noticeable to other people but to me I can see them in every photo, like my eyes are drawn to them first. But when I get asked if I'd like a brace to fix them I always say no for some reason. For all the complaining I do about them, I secretly like them as they give my smile some personality & uniqueness. If everyone had the same straight white Hollywood smile then the world & especially the dentist occupation would be a more boring place.
1. I'm Small:
I see so many people complaining they hate being small but I absolutely love it! Yes it can be annoying when I can't reach the higher shelves or if people make the obvious 'wow you're small?' comment but I generally like being small & petite. I like how I can curl up into small spaces & fall asleep, like on aeroplanes or in cars. Everyone else has to suffer with leg cramp & no room but I can curl up into a little ball & sleep in comfort. I also like having small feet & hands, I think they can pull of the anklet & dainty bracelets/rings quite well. However my favourite reason I like being small is purely for being the little spoon haha
2. My Hair:
Me & my hair have a love/hate relationship. I hate it when it need washing & it just gets in the way all the time, strangling me in my sleep. Arghh but then I love it as it's long & it's sort of like my safety blanket. I'd be lost without it. I can't imagine not having my long hair, twisting it round my finger is sort of a subconscious calming method for me & I like spraying my perfume in it so when my hair moves I always get a hit of my perfume. I'm quite lucky as no matter what damage I've done to it with heat/bleach, it's always stayed shiny & fairly strong. So hair, you annoy me so much but I love you deep down! <3
3. My Fitness Level:
The reason I love this so much is it's something I have worked my ass off to improve. I used to have terrible fitness levels just over a year ago. Running on a treadmill for 5 minutes killed me & I'd ache just walking up some stairs, but now I can do intense exercise without any fatigue or loss of breath. I can run for hours, do hard aerobic exercises without getting tired & I love it! Sometimes it's annoying if I want to get my heart rate to a certain level & I have a real struggle but it just means my amazing body has improved so much & is running so efficiently now that I can't really complain. I'm so proud of how much it's improved & hopefully it'll help me if I teach classes & need to keep my breath when talking/explaining moves to clients.
So there we go, my perfect imperfections! I hope this post helps at least some of you realise that those flaws you see in yourself are actually beautiful & make you who you are. That freckle on your nose you hate? Your ginger hair? Your appalling singing voice? All beautiful! <3
Until next time

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