I have been nominated for the Liebster Award & I just want to say a massive thank you to Nora who nominated me :)
The Liebster Award is basically like a chain letter pasted between smaller blogs to gain them recognition & help them up in the blogging world. You get asked 11 questions to help readers find out more behind the blogger then they ask 11 more questions to 10 other small/beginner blogs (200 or less followers) And so the process carries on!
So here are my questions:
Why did you start blogging?
When I started blogging I never imagined that many people, if anyone would actually read my blog. I hoped with all my fingers & toes crossed though that people would maybe read & even be inspired/helped by some of the posts I write. I originally started as I wanted a platform to keep all my ideas/posts at, sort of similar to an open diary that I can look back on & other people can read & learn/be inspired from. I was inspired by blogs like Carly Rowan, Blogilates, Beautycrush, Thunder + Threads to name a few! They help me so much & I was inspired to start blogs like them.
If you could never fail, what would you do?
I thought for ages about this & finally narrowed it down to 2 things. I would either tight rope walk across the highest, most amazing canyon I could find. If I can't fail then I can't fall right?
Or I would free climb the biggest cliff face I could find with just a bag of chalk & my camera. Again I can't fail so I can't fall!
Favourite quote?
My 2 favourite quotes are: 'Fall down 7 times, Get up 8' & 'Everything happens for a reason.' These quotes remind me that no matter how many times you are knocked down/back, then always get back up fighting. You will get stronger each time & learn from your experiences so nothing can stand in your way. Life is not a simple path, it has obstacles & you will encounter set backs & you may get lost along the way but if you keep going, you will get to where you want to be :) Even if set backs happen, then they happen for a reason as you are obviously destined for a different route.
I also love all the Dr Seuss quotes as they just seem to sum up life in the most perfect, wacky way.
Instagram or Twitter?
This is such a hard choice! I love reading & keeping up to date with every ones tweets.Twitter is such an amazing platform to share info & stay in touch with people & meet new people. However I love looking & nosing at peoples instagram photos, I'm the type of person to buy a magazine just to look at the pictures! But if I had to choose, I'd say twitter as it has both tweets & photos!
What are you looking forward to most in 2014?
I'm just looking forward to taking every day as it comes. Not look to far ahead as so many things can change & as long as I make the most of every day & go to bed satisfied, I'm happy. I can't wait to spend time with my friends, boyfriend & family though & create some amazing memories & crazy adventures. The summer is my favourite time so I'm counting down the days until I can lie outside in the sun, make iced tea lollies & have beach days.
What are you most proud of?
I am most proud of all the obstacles I have over come in my life. I have managed to turn bad situations into positive, life changing & strengthening situations instead. I have been knocked down many times, but I have always got up stronger & I am the most proud of that!
Are you an introvert or extrovert?
I would say I am a mixture. With the more private/personal side of my life I am more introvert, but with the rest I am outgoing & an extrovert.
If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
I would say the more obvious answer of stalking & spying on famous celebrities, especially hot ones like Jonathan Rhys Meyers or Jenson Ackles! But instead I went for being able to sneak into all the secret, locked vaults that have all the worlds most private secrets. About aliens & mythical creatures. If anyone knows me then they know I have the biggest obsession with Elvis Presley so I would also read all the files on him, about his life & especially the conspiracies about his death!
Favourite place?
I have 2 favourite places. First is the gym, it is the #1 place I go when I am stressed or feeling under the weather. Exercise just helps boost my mood & makes me feel so much better. My second is the beach. I love watching the sea, I can sit & listen to the waves all day. The ocean is such an amazing inspiration to me. The thought of knowing that we only know a tiny % about the sea & so much of it is unexplored is fascinating to me. All the crazy, wonderful creatures & the diverse, different habitates/niches it has & they all live & work in perfect unison together. And that's just the stuff we do know, imagine the things we don't! However I believe that we shouldn't go exploring that part & leave it private, we destroy & stick our noses in enough & we should leave some areas untouched & at peace. Much more interesting to not know anyway & use our imagination!
How do you stay inspired?
I stay inspired by looking at others for motivation. If I see others pushing & fighting for their dreams then it makes me want to push as well. Seeing positive, motivational people with such strong, happy personalities & outlooks on life helps keep me going as I think if they can do it, no reason I can't. I get my inspiration from other peoples ideas & activities & put my own twist on them to make them my own & fit me.
Favourite bloggers and YouTubers?
I have millions so here are just a few.
Youtubers: Carly Rowena, Blogilates, Beautycrush, Kaylnxo13, Bubzbeauty, Leannewoodfull & Macbarbie07
Now my 11 questions:
1. Which 3 places do you want to visit most in the world?
2. What is your #1 dream you want to experience?
3. What is your dream job?
4. Mario or Luigi?
5. Your #1 Disney film?
6. Best childhood memory?
7. If you could have any skill, what would it be?
8. What is your favourite smell?
9. Which 3 things would you take to a desert island?
11. What is your most memorable experience?
12. What is 1 material thing you can't live without?
I nominate:
Until next time
You're very welcome, I loved your responses! I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason too and love to go rock climbing, although I don't know if I could handle a tight rope.
The Hopelessly Optimistic