Monday, 24 February 2014

DIY Natural Face Masks

First a little background;
Skin & hair care has always been a massive interest of mine for years. I could spend hours on end in Boots looking at the various washes, scrubs, treatments & masks. I'd come home with a different range of products to try on a weekly basis, how I found the money to fund this habit is beyond me!
When I was around 13 years old I developed some problematic skin. Nothing worse than your typical teenage skin with the standard spots & blackheads but when you're at that crucial age when you discover boys & want to look good then it's like your biggest nightmare. I remember crying over my spots & buying endless tubes of concealer to try & cover the offending pimples but to no such luck. So I went to the doctors to see if they could prescribe me anything. They gave me a tablet to take, but they also offered me a cream to put on any spots I noticed to stop them even developing. It was okay for a couple of uses, but then I remember waking up one morning looking like some sort of alien. My skin was so inflamed, bright red with a rough sore rash of bumps all over my face where I'd put the cream. It felt like my skin had been burnt & I couldn't move my face without the rash stinging like a *****
So from then on I stopped using all forms of chemicals on my face to help take the rash down. I only used water to wash my face in & the plain Vaseline Essential Moisturiser
Which helped take the soreness & tightness of the rash away almost immediately. I still swear by this moisturiser 100% & use it everyday.
This horrible event started my obsession with natural skin care. I researched a lot of home DIY recipes that I could easily make at home & didn't contain any chemicals that could harm my skin.
Over the years I have accumulated an endless knowledge of how different natural ingredients can benefit your skin & hair & a million different combinations/recipes to use them. My dad often walks in on me in the kitchen stirring something in a bowl & always asks me if I'm eating it or if it's going on my face/hair. Long time running joke...
Today I have 3 of my all time standard face masks that I always come back to time & time again.
A mask for Dry skin, Oily skin & a scrub. All the ingredients can easily be found in your kitchen,
And if not then they are cheap as chips to get from the supermarket.
All the masks can be kept in the fridge for a few days after if you have any left over.
They contain no chemicals so they won't irritate or damage your skin in any way,
Just natural, skin loving ingredients perfect for sensitive skin.

Dry Skin
1 egg yolk
1 tbs honey
1/2 cup of plain oats
1 tbs coconut/olive oil
1 tbs water (maybe more if the mixture is to dry)
1 tbs mashed avocado/banana (optional)

First mix all the wet ingredients (egg yolk, honey & oil) together, then carefully add the oats. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until the mixture looks like porridge.
Start with a clean, bare face & smooth the mask onto your skin.
Leave on for 10/15 minutes.
Then wet your face slightly & massage the mask into your skin like a face scrub for a few minutes.
Wash it all off & pat your face dry.
Follow with a good moisturiser.

Oily Skin
1 egg white
1 tbs honey
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp tea tree oil
1 tbs natural yogurt (unflavoured)

 Mix all the ingredients together until they look like a paste.
Apply to a clean, bare face.
Leave on for 10/15 minutes.
Then again wet your face slightly & massage the mask into your skin.
Wash off & pat skin dry.
This mask will make your skin feel tingly & maybe slightly tight in a squeaky clean way due to the tea tree so make sure to use a good moisturiser after.

1/2 cup of sugar
2 tbs milk/natural yogurt (unflavoured)
1 tbs of plain oats

Mix the milk/natural yogurt with the oats until it forms a porridge like past.
Next slowly add the sugar but do not mix hard as you don't want the sugar to dissolve in the liquid & therefore loose the scrub like texture.
Next wet your face & begin to massage the scrub into your skin for a few minutes.
Wash off & pat skin dry.
This scrub not only leaves you with baby soft skin but also has the added bonus of tasting amazing if it happens to get in your mouth.
If anyone liked this post & has any other DIY recipes they want me to do;
E.g. Face washes/scrubs/masks/toners, Hair masks/rinses, Body washes/scrubs, Spot treatments;
then please comment as I love thinking up recipes & these are my favourite types of posts to do!

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. The scrub sounds great and simple! I'll be sure to try it out! :D
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